
2023年4月8日—10MacHacksYouShouldKnowAbout·UseSplitView·ForcequitwithOption·UseSpotlightforconversionsandsimplemath·Trydifferent ...,2023年11月14日—14macOSTipstoMakeYourLifeEasier·1.OpenaCopyofaFilebyDefault·2.AccessMorePreviewFileFormatOptions·3.SnapBacktoYour ...,2023年6月8日—Finally,probablythemostusefultipforusingyournewMacistogettogripswithkeyboardshortcuts.Thereareahugenumberofkeyboard .....

10 Mac Hacks You Should Know About

2023年4月8日 — 10 Mac Hacks You Should Know About · Use Split View · Force quit with Option · Use Spotlight for conversions and simple math · Try different ...

14 macOS Tips to Make Your Life Easier

2023年11月14日 — 14 macOS Tips to Make Your Life Easier · 1. Open a Copy of a File by Default · 2. Access More Preview File Format Options · 3. Snap Back to Your ...

9 macOS tips that every new Mac owner needs to know

2023年6月8日 — Finally, probably the most useful tip for using your new Mac is to get to grips with keyboard shortcuts. There are a huge number of keyboard ...

Rather than just getting by with the basics, explore all the clever things you can do on your Mac, and take control of it! Mac Tips, Tricks & Shortcuts easy ...

Apple Mac tips and tricks

2023年7月22日 — There are loads of features in macOS. We have compiled our favourite tips and tricks to help you get the most out of your MacBook or iMac.

Mac tips for Windows switchers

2024年1月12日 — Mac tips for Windows switchers · Right click · Scroll, swipe, click · Close & resize windows · Change volume · Change Mac settings · Browse for ...